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The Wiremu Netana Panapa Maori Collection

The Wiremu Netana Panapa Maori Collection is a collection of books, pamphlets and reports by and about Maori and bicultural issues. It is named for the first Anglican Maori Bishop to complete a theology qualification, and includes books from the library of the Rev’d Sir Kingi Ihaka.

Search the catalogue for a particular title or books on a subject, or ask a librarian for assistance.

Periodicals Collection

The latest issue of each of the current titles is on display shelves. All print titles are listed in the library catalogue. 

Library holdings as well as those of other Australasian Theological libraries can be searched on ANTZLA

Full-text electronic versions (e-journals) of hundreds of theological and other periodicals can be accessed by any registered library user via this web site. There are also links to free internet periodicals.

Special Collections

Theses and dissertations

Theses, dissertations and extended essays written by students of St John’s College and other institutions where the topic is relevant to theological studies and Maori studies are in this collection. Search for these in the library catalogue by adding the word “thesis” to a keyword search.  Or a search in the classification field with the word “thesis” will provide you with a complete list of theses held by the library.

New Zealand and Pacific Church Collection

The New Zealand and Pacific Collection is an in-depth collection of Anglican, Methodist and ecumenical New Zealand and Pacific church related publications. It includes official publications, newspapers, missionary proceedings, parish histories, biography, bibles and prayer books.  These books are for reference use in the library only, but there are borrowing copies of some in the main collection.

Baumber Collection

The Baumber Collection is an extensive collection of nineteenth century books about New Zealand collected by the Reverend William Baumber, a Methodist minister, and gifted to Trinity Methodist Theological College.  More recent titles continue to be added.  The collection is strong in nineteenth century settler and visitor impressions of New Zealand.  The books are not available for loan, but can be read in the Library.

Rare Book Collection

The Rare Book Collection of about 2000 volumes is a historic collection of books published between 1474 and 1800. Many were the gifts of associates of Bishop GA Selwyn, or were from the library of Dr John Kinder.

Microfiche and microfilm

The microfiche and microfilm collection includes several hundred filmed copies of print publications and manuscript materials. Significant microforms include the London based records of the Church Missionary Society (72 reels), the Turner Collection on Religious Movements (991 fiche) and Niupepa, 1842-1933 (409 fiche). These are listed on either the library catalogue (printed items) or archives database.